Do you spend more than half an hour struggling to fall asleep each night? Are you tossing and turning and getting frustrated? Do you feel tired and irritable throughout the day? You may be suffering from insomnia.

Don’t worry – you’re not alone. Insomnia is more common than you think. Research suggests that practically everyone will suffer from insomnia at some point in their lives.

Insomnia may affect you for a short period of time (acute insomnia) or it might be an ongoing struggle (chronic insomnia). Either way, it can be a frustrating and joyless existence, with serious long-term health effects.

When you suffer from insomnia, not only do you feel tired all the time, but your cognitive abilities are impaired. You can’t think as quickly or creatively as you could while fully rested. People who suffer from insomnia make more mistakes, leading to potentially dangerous accidents at home or work. And lastly, as people with insomnia often toss and turn or get up during the night and move around the house, they can disturb the sleep of other family members.

You owe it to yourself and to your family to get to the root of your insomnia. In most cases, insomnia is caused by an outside problem – perhaps it’s a medical condition that keeps you awake, or maybe you’re stressed about something in your waking life. Perhaps you are over stimulating your mind close to bedtime and you can’t relax.

Once you discover the cause of your insomnia, you can take steps to cure it. Although Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders, it’s also one of the easiest to cure. Lifestyle changes, like doing relaxing activities before bed and cutting down on caffeine, or natural sleep aids, like herbal sleeping pills, can help you break the cycle of insomnia and sleep well again.

If you think your insomnia might be a symptom of a more serious health problem, see your doctor immediately.

Insomnia doesn’t have to take over your life. The cure can be a simple as relaxing more before bed, cutting back on caffeine or taking an herbal sleeping remedy.

For more information about insomnia and sleep remedies you can visit the Sleep and Insomnia Guide

If you suffer from snoring or sleep apnea symptoms that are contributing to your insomnia problem, try our anti-snoring mouth guard.

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About the Author

The Sleep and Insomnia Guide is a collaboration of authors who are constantly looking out for the latest information to do with insomnia and sleeping disorders. Whilst not experts on the matter they have each been affected by sleep disorders themselves or someone they know has. The Insomnia and Sleep Guide is kept up to date with regular articles as well as submitted for others to share and use.